Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day One Hundred Seventy One

Daughter Kelly came in from Murfreesboro today, bearing gifts--two (that's 2!) boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a bag of fresh white peaches from the produce stand on Willow.

This evening, the Myers family dropped in after their day at the lake. Shelby and Elijah couldn't wait to get their hands on a Krispy Kreme chocolate covered with sprinkles.

Shelby got her bangs cut. Elijah is sporting his new buzz cut. They're ready for Summer!
It's always a good day for me when my family is around.


Jane said...

Would love to get my hands on those donuts!!!!!!! :-)

Kelly said...

I have Krispy Kreme connections!!! Place your orders here! Tee hee!!! They were yummy! I love these pics of the kids!