Friday, September 9, 2011

Day Two Hundred Fifty Two 2011

Grandson Elijah has looked forward to running in the Cougar Run ever since he was old enough to watch his big sister run this time every September. It is his school's only fundraiser for the year. The kids collect pledges for each lap run or contributions for a lump sum. I don't know how many laps he ran, but I do know that he ran most of the time. He was pretty worn out by that last lap and was more than ready for that cup of cold water. Way to run, little Cougar! You did a great job. I'm so proud of you!


Kelly said...

Such great pictures! Felt like I was there :o) He looks so cute! Glad he had fun!!!

Ann S. said...

These pictures put a big smile on my face :0) What a cutie! Glad he finally got to run in the big Cougar Run! WTG, Elijah!

Jane said...

How fun! I hope it was everything he thought it would be! He needs to hit up his Aunt Jane for a pledge next year.