Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day Twenty One 2012

We've had such a mild winter so far here in middle Tennessee (and winter is only 4 weeks old) that the hyacinths and buttercups are sprouting everywhere in our yard. I say this is a case of Mother Nature fooling Mother Nature. I want to shout at them to go back inside; it's not your time yet. I'm afraid they'll all be goners if we ever get back down to subfreezing temps again in the weeks to come. I would miss their colors come spring time.

 "In a way Winter is the real Spring - the time when the inner things happen, the resurgence of nature."
- Edna O'Brien 


Ann S. said...

Go back in the ground little hyacinths and buttercups! I told Terry we'll probably pay for this mild winter weather when spring gets here. I hope I'm wrong!

Jane said...

I always feel bad for the plants when they come up so early. More often than not, they end up getting zapped! :(

Kelly said...

Love the quote...never thought ofit that way. Poor little plants. They're in for a shock, if it ever gets cold.