Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day One Hundred Nineteen 2012

It is a far, far better thing that I do,
than anything I have ever done;
it is a far, far, better rest that I go to,
than I have ever known.
-Charles Dickens

My family and I are sitting with our dear mother tonight in a nursing home, watching and waiting as she struggles to stay in this life, while her body insists that she's ready to leave and go on to the next and forever life. We'd love to keep her with us here. She's ready to fly away; she just doesn't know it yet.


Ann S. said...

Beautiful! So glad all of us got to be with Mom on her last day. I love you guys so much!

Jane said...

Makes me want to cry... again. This is beautiful and I'm so glad we were all together with her for her last day on earth.