Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day One Hundred Sixty Nine 2011

Some of the best banana pudding on the planet can be found at Bobby Q's restaurant here in our little town. Daughter Kelly is visiting this weekend, so we got three to go. Yum!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight 2011

Hubby Neil took the day off today and spent much of it installing tin ceiling tiles in the living room. Progress is slow but steady. Still much to be done, but it's getting there. Happy TGIF, everyone!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day One Hundred Sixty Seven 2011

Monkeys at the zoo? Nah! It's just grandpeeps Elijah and Shelby inside the playground at McDonald's during lunch today. Although, it did sound like a zoo in that area of the restaurant.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day One Hundred Sixty Six 2011

All things being equal, the saying goes, so I guess it's no surprise that after such a gorgeous day yesterday we'd be bombarded with hail and lightning storms today. All day. I'm not sure if it's over yet. At least the plants got a good soaking.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day One Hundred Sixty Five 2011

Spent a pleasant late spring afternoon with peeps at my mom's place out on the porch in the swing and rocking chairs, talking about weird dreams (think flaming skulls with helmets and swords) and laughing and eating Kit Kats and M&Ms and playing a neat game called The T Shirt Game (similar to Apples To Apples), then picking big fat cherries and slamming them into the pond scum. Now that's a fun time; I don't care who you are. Love ya, Peeps!