Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day Two Hundred Ninety Eight 2011

Been feeling puny the past 24 hours with some kind of stomach bug (or maybe it was that burger I ate for lunch yesterday, who knows) so I haven’t been able to eat much.  Hubby Neil brought me this DQ vanilla shake tonight. After all the Gator Aid and crackers, this tasted as yummy as it looks. 


Ann S. said...

Sorry to hear you've been puny or as Ma would say "not much punkin'." Hope you feel better soonest!

Kelly said...

Oh no! Not fun feeling puny :o(
Hope it's not a bug. Between you and Daddy I'm getting a little nervous. Hope the DQ shake made you feel better :o)

Jane said...

Hope you are feeling better today! DQ milkshakes can cure a lot of ills! :)