Monday, July 23, 2012

Day Two Hundred Five 2012

Today was back to school for the kids in our county—a two hour registration day. Grandkids Shelby and Elijah hung out with me after that, and we headed to Ocha for a rice and spicy chicken lunch, along with hubby Neil and daughter Holly. While we ate, we had a front row seat watching the city workers lay asphalt at the intersection of Tennessee Tech University and Ocha Thai Deli. Actually, I think it is Seventh Avenue and some other street whose name I can’t remember getting a makeover before college students return for classes. Hot, dirty, smelly work in this summertime heat. Makes me appreciate even more the ride over a nice smooth street.


Ann S. said...

I couldn't even imagine working with asphalt in this heat! Ugh!

Jane said...
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Jane said...
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Jane said...

Oh, man! I deleted my comment twice! Oops! Anyway, I hope they get the road work done soon because I use that road a lot when school is in. (Would love some Ocha!) Haven't been since Ann & I went there when Ma was in the hospital.

Kelly said...

Hmmmm...O-cha!!! Glad the kiddos got to eat there before school starts! Hooe they have good teachers this year! :o)