Friday, August 31, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty Four 2012

Freaky Fish Eye Friday
My grandkids, Elijah and Shelby, were good sports and let me take their pictures this afternoon, using the fish eye lens on my Canon Power Shot SX 230. The fish eye distortion of the human body is totally freaky and good for a laugh. Happy TGIF, everyone!


Kelly said...

HAH!!!! That's so funny!!! I definitely needed a good laugh :-D

Jane said...

Elijah looks like a fat boy! :) Shelby - the blueberry girl in WIllie Wonka! tee hee!

Kay R. said...

Shelby said she looked like a blueberry in this picture :)

Ann S. said...

Too cool! Thanks for the laugh :0) Shelby does look like the blueberry girl in Willie Wonka!