Happy Halloween!
Chili supper with niece Sarah, niece Julia, daughter Kelly, sister Jane and brother in law Don.
Don ate the ‘firehouse’ chili. Can you see the steam coming out of his ears?
Niece Julia was a beautiful Greek Goddess.
Grandson Knox was a monkey.
Daughter Holly was a gorgeous witch and son in law Jerry was a most excellent and scary Wolfman.
Son in law Kerry, grandson Monkey Knox, and daughter Kelly at Trunk or Treat.
This was Knox’s first year to trick or treat. He wasn’t sure what was going on.
Niece Sarah was a beautiful flower.
Anthony was decked out in a very realistic NASA uniform. He is grand daughter Shelby and grandson Elijah’s neighbor friend. Shelby was Little Red Riding Hood. (Shelby, I apologize for not getting a picture of you all by yourself in that awesome costume.)
Grandson Elijah was an awesome Ninja.
Shelby and Julia strike a pose at Trunk or Treat.
Daughter Holly’s family always carves these really cool pumpkins. The one with the antlers is son in law Jerry’s, who is an avid hunter.
Son in law Kerry, grandson Knox, good buddy Anthony, niece Julia, granddaughter Shelby, and grandson Elijah. (The only one missing from the only group shot I managed to take tonight is niece Sarah.) We had lots of trick or treaters at our house tonight, and candy was given out and consumed in mass quantities.
Happy Halloween, y’all!!
Great pictures! Glad you guys had a fun Halloween. We were happy to get more kids this year than last year :0)
Tons of fun!!!! Great pics!!!
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