No arm-twisting to get Neil to go to the D.Q. this afternoon for sweet treats. He chose a banana split. [After all, bananas are good for you, and also pineapple, strawberries, and yes even chocolate.] No health food for me. I went for the Butterfinger Blizzard with extra stuff on top [worth every penny of the extra 49 cents]. It is Labor Day weekend here in the good old U.S. of A. ~ a holiday tomorrow ~ no work. [A bit of irony there] But unfortunately Neil had to go back in to work right after our D.Q. treat. [That’s why all those pens, pencils and highlighters in his pocket] Grab the good times while you can. They sure do fly by fast.
"Sorrow and scarlet leaf,
Sad thoughts and sunny weather.
Ah me, this glory and this grief
Agree not well together!" ~Thomas Parsons, 1880, A Song For September
Neil had to work today? Now that's a bummer!
Oh, yummy!! Baa nana split! :) (thought of Knox!)
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