Grandson Knox is 2 years old today. He will have his birthday party tomorrow, but his mom and dad wanted him to get to blow out his candles on his actual birthday. And so he did. Happy 2nd Birthday, Knox! Granny and Grandpa love you!!
My Aunt Joy Brown turns 99 years old on December 4th. She and a packed restaurant of family and friends celebrated her remarkable milestone this evening. She enjoyed many heartfelt tributes to her in songs and poems and remembrances of her long and influential life. She entertained us by playing her piano and singing and then doing a tap dance to the tune The Entertainer [how appropriate!] while holding on to her walker for support. Can you believe she’s 99?! Amazing. Happy Birthday, Aunt Joy! I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Great party!!! An honor to be there!! Joy is amazing :)
Can't believe Knox is two!!!! He enjoyed the mini party! Can't wait for the big blowout Tuesday!!!!
Glad Knox got to blow out some candles on his actual birthday. How cool that he got to spend his 2nd birthday at his great great aunt's 99th birthday party! Aunt Joy was a hoot and she continues to amaze.
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