Granddaughter Shelby was ready to celebrate the new year all decked out in her Happy New Year hat.
Daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry hosted our New Year’s Eve get together at their new/old house. Kelly made some awesome salsa. We pigged out on that and a lot of other delicious goodies.
Grandson Knox had a great time playing trains with his Aunt Holly.
We all enjoyed a great game night while we counted down the minutes to the new year. Uno was lots of fun. The Five Second Rule was a blast.
We counted down the seconds to midnight and raised our blue Solo cups of sparkling cider as the ball dropped in Times Square and we toasted in 2014. Good time with my great family.
Project 365 was a challenge to me when I started this little blog. I wanted to see if I really could take a picture a day for a year and share it with family and friends and whoever might stumble across my tiny corner of the universe on the world wide web. I can’t believe five years have gone by [whoosh! just like that]. At the end of each year, when day three sixty five finally rolls around, I always ask myself if I want to continue the challenge. This year it has been a real struggle for me to keep up. It has become less fun and more of a chore. I’ve been very torn about letting it go, and I didn’t decide until today that letting it go is what I need to do.
What I want to do is continue snapping those pictures and sharing them with you, just not every day. I enjoy combining photography with blogging, so if you’re interested in following me to a new blog, I’ve created one that is very much a work in progress [just decided this today!]. Other than the way it looks, it won’t be any different than this blog, except that I won’t post every single day of the year. I know I have some faithful followers here, and I appreciate all of you who have stuck with me the past five years, checking in each day or week or whenever you can. Thank you so much for letting me share a piece of my every day life with you ~ 1,826 days!
My new blog [for the time being and maybe forever] is called Hunky-Dory, which is a slang word meaning perfectly satisfactory or fine. You can find it here:
The new place will probably go through lots of changes as time goes by. I hope you’ll follow me over and hang out with me there.
Three Sixty Five signing off
Had so much fun brining in the new year with everyone!!! Hope this year is good to all of us!!! Very disappointed that you've decided not to continue 365 but understand. Can't believe it's been five years! I know I've enjoyed following everyday and will miss it :(. Looking forward to the new blog!! HAPPY 2014!!!!!! Love you!!!
It was a fun night, and thanks, Kelly, for letting us come to your house. We never do anything fun for New Year's Eve! :) I, too, am sad that 365 is over, but I do understand. (I will miss it terribly!!) I look forward to the new blog. Don't let too many days go by between posts! Love you! Like Kelly said, I hope this new year is good to all of us.
Happy New Year! We spent it with Kyle and Lisa Draper and Danny at Kyle's house in Mt Juliet. Glad you all got to ring in 2014 together. Will miss your 365 blog, but looking forward to your new blog! Love you all!
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