The hills are alive with the sound of music! Me and the Chief Blue Meanie in the Beatles LOVE gift shop this afternoon at the Mirage, drooling over all the cool Beatles stuff.
This is why Neil and I came to Las Vegas ~ to see The Beatles LOVE Cirque du Soleil show. We enjoyed every second of it. The sights and sounds were so overwhelmingly awesome I wanted to weep. I think I did just a little. The music and the performances took my breath away. It was worth every single penny. I didn’t want it to end. I’d love to see it again.
We couldn’t take pictures during the performance. Snapped this on the way out. They were cleaning up the stage even as we were filing out. I can’t begin to describe to you how jaw dropping this show was.
I think the house was full.
The guy in the picture looks like a young Mel Gibson. Didn’t even know he was in my picture til now.
This morning Neil and I went to old Las Vegas ~ Fremont Street. This is what it looked like in the daylight.
We went back tonight after the LOVE show to see the light show and got treated to this spectacle and a mini Heart concert on the ceiling.
It was WOW.
Lots of half naked people running around here.
This one’s for Knox. I can’t believe the number of families we’ve seen here. Lots of kids around. I guess there’s something for everyone. We had such a good time today. Have to get up way too early to catch a bus to the Grand Canyon in the morning. Fun stuff.