These three jets looked like they were racing each other over my back yard this morning. Wonder where they were going?

Grandson Elijah was stylin' in his new shorts and shoes. He couldn't wait to play outside.

A tender Spring tendril on some plant out back. I thought it was cute.

Elijah was digging for worms again. He never does find any. Not even a bug. Although we did see a bunch of bees flying around some tiny flowers in the grass. He does not like bees. We talked about what they eat. I said pollen. He said chicken. And french fries. It could happen.

I love these little buds sprouting everywhere. The Lilac bush has some neat ones. Well, neat to me, anyway.

Granddaughter Shelby on her way up the path to Granny's house this afternoon. I sure do miss little Eddie Kitty waiting for her with me each afternoon.
And so I say goodbye to March. And good riddance!