Neil and I had lunch with daughter Kelly and grandson Knox at their new/old house this afternoon. Kelly was there all day, getting her kitchen organized while the Direct TV guys connected their TVs. The place is starting to look like home.
Our town postponed trick or treating until tonight because of stormy weather on Halloween. Grandpeeps Knox, Shelby, and Elijah finally got to trick or treat door to door. Knox’s friend, Adeline, joined them to make the rounds.
Knox really got into the Halloween spirit after he saw all the trick or treaters coming to our door for candy. Knox was Thomas the Train and Shelby was the Queen of Hearts.
Elijah was Robin Hood. I stayed at the house and fed the multitude of spooks who came by. It’s been years since I’ve seen so many. I ran out of the Halloween candy I bought for this occasion and had to dig into the stash of candy I keep here for the grandpeeps. I enjoy the Halloween tradition, and it was fun for me to see all the kids in their costumes. Good times with family and friends.