"It's colder now. The trees are bare and the nights are long." (lyrics from a Barry Manilow song--yes, I like Barry Manilow. So shoot me.)

Little stone birdie matches the colors of the day.

Eddie is poised to leap at a real little birdie up in the tree far out of his reach. "Yellows and grays paint a sad sky today...." (lyrics from a Dan Fogelberg song--I miss Dan.)

Elijah hangs on to his stuffed Teddy bear while watching 'Scooby Doo On Zombie Island'. The love affair with Scooby and The Gang continues.

Shelby was inspired by something or someone at school today to draw some Christmas candy art. Sharpies are her favorite markers and here I snapped her picture asking me which one would work as violet. She makes the best pictures. Granny didn't get this one. She took it home. And here it is on a Tuesday in November at 4:40 PM. Almost dark. The nights are long indeed.