I haven’t made meatloaf in, like, forever. So I made meatloaf for supper tonight (here in the South, we call it supper, not dinner). I know. It kind of looks like dog food because apparently I didn’t give it enough time to ‘set’ in the pan before greedily and hungrily shoveling it onto our plates, but it was pretty tasty, the second helping was more loaf-like, and the carrots and baked potatoes (microwaved, actually) weren’t too shabby, either. Plus, I get a kick out of using our square Fiesta plates. It’s about as festive as a Monday is going to get around here.
Here’s a fun fact for you (not about meatloaf): A ranch owner in Fort Keogh, Montana, discovered the largest reported snowflake on this day in 1887. It measured 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.