Neil and I visited grandson Knox, daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry today. We haven’t seen them in a couple of weeks. Neil wanted to spend some time replacing their front porch hand rail. Knox was pretty happy with the new Elmo book we brought him.
We enjoyed a delicious lunch at The Chop House ~ turkey and dressing and broccoli [we all ended up ordering the same thing]. They also serve up awesome bread before the meal. Even Knox enjoyed some broccoli dipped in Ranch sauce. Everything tastes better dipped in Ranch sauce.
Kelly accidently locked us out of the house and didn’t have the key she needed to get us back inside, so we stopped by Kerry’s workplace to pick up his key and to say hi. Kerry was working hard. Knox was thrilled to see his dada.
At the house, we hung out on the back porch and enjoyed the nice weather [well, except for the rain] while Neil worked on the rail. Knox has his own pint sized chair.
Knox could hear Neil’s saw buzzing and had to go check out what Grandpa was up to in the garage. Knox was happy to help out. He kept handing things to Neil that Neil didn’t need, so we took him back inside.
We made tall colorful buildings that reached to the ceiling. Well, almost. Then nap time rolled around.
Neil couldn’t finish the project today and decided to pack it up and bring it home with us to finish building the new rail. Besides, he wanted to spend time with Knox, who was dying to spend time with his ‘pa’. Knox helped carry stuff to the truck.
And he helped Grandpa push the dolly so he could load up the saw.
Then he wanted to drive mom’s car for a while and push all the buttons and turn all the knobs. [Watch out next time you turn on the radio, Kelly. It might be very loud.]
Knox time and Grandpa time is the best time in the world. Grandpa is the man.
Until daddy comes home. While Kerry ate some of the yummy chili Kelly made us for supper, Knox ran in there to him and started pulling on Kerry, saying, “High! High!” Which means throw me up into the air as high as you can. And daddy did. More fun than pint sized human beings should be allowed to have [but not so great for daddy’s back, but daddy did it anyway cause Knox loves it]. Good times! Fun Saturday! Love you guys!!