Granddaughter Shelby displays her "best report card ever!" to put it in her words.

7 A's and 1 B. She was hoping for all A's, but this report card is not too shabby, huh?

So of course we all headed to the Cream City Ice Cream and Coffee Shop on the west side of town, got a ton of tasty ice cream and took it across the street to eat it at the train depot because it was such a gorgeous Autumn afternoon. Eating at the depot was Elijah's request. He loves to climb inside those train cars.

It was a great way to celebrate an awesome report card. Also, when Shelby took a bite of her waffle cone, she discovered she had a loose tooth. Later, when they were exploring the train cars, she suddenly yelled, "My tooth fell out!" So she took that home to put under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy tonight. I am so proud of you, Shelby, for making such good grades and just because you're such a sweet, good person. I love you!!