To a house far away
Where I used to live
As a child.
They tore down the building
When I moved away
And left the key unreconciled" ~~ Dan Fogelberg, 'Souvenirs'

I can't help thinking of these lines from Dan Fogelberg's song Souvenirs whenever I come across old keys at the flea market, especially skeleton keys, which I recently started collecting. They once opened the door to some one's home, and now here they sit gathering dust in some old box. The second key from the left used to be our house key when we first bought this old 1920's home back in 1983. We didn't tear down the building but we did change the locks, leaving the key 'unreconciled' as Dan put it. And although I always have notions of putting them to use in some project some day, like most of my collections, these keys will probably stay unreconciled.