Coffee (and coffee houses/cafes) loomed large in my weekend. When daughter Kelly is in town, as I've pointed out before, we have coffee. Saturday after lunch we headed over to the Dolce Cafe on our town square and enjoyed a Dolce Caramel Latte (with whipped cream). About three hours later, I found myself at Poets' coffee shop, also on our fair town square, along with daughter Kelly, nieces Sarah and Julia, and sister Jane. We sat around a big table and played Apples To Apples, a most excellent game (cards are involved). No coffee for me. I opted for a smoothie, and everyone else had either hot chocolate or a smoothie, or in Kelly's case, a bottle of some weird green liquid. We had the best time ever! Kelly has pictures to prove it. I forgot my camera. Duh! Then this afternoon, before Kelly headed back home, we dropped in at Starbucks for ... coffee.

If you take your own containers, you get a whole dime off the price of your coffee. Well, who could turn that offer down?! We brought our tumblers and had some delicious flavored coffee. Mine was a pumpkin spice latte. (With whipped cream....) Tis the season. These are Create Your Own Tumblers. They're fun to make.

Kelly sent her dad to save us a seat while we ordered the coffee. Uh, these would have been nice and comfy ....

but Neil thought hard chairs at a table would be so much better. (LOL!) It was all good. We got to hang out together for a little while longer before Kelly had to be on the road. She got home safe. I got to spend a fun weekend with my family. And to top it off, our Tennessee Titans beat the Jacksonville Jaguars 31-13!
Sure did hate to see October go! But I was thrilled to get my hour back at 2AM!