Neil and I took advantage of a rare opportunity this morning to hear a presidential candidate speak in person. Mr. Herman Cain was invited to speak by Tennessee Technological University’s chapter of College Republicans here in Cookeville, Tennessee. Mr. Cain stood on the steps of Derryberry Hall and spoke for about forty-five minutes to a pretty good sized crowd. He has a deep commanding voice and a ready smile and he seems like a genuinely decent man who cares about his country. I haven’t paid much attention to the recent conservative candidate’s debates, but I’ve formed opinions already about who I like and don’t like. Mr. Cain, who is a business man and not a politician and who, by the way, is very charming and intelligent, said everything a conservative wants to hear. I liked what he had to say and I liked him very much. I’m thankful we had this opportunity to see and hear him in person, and I plan to follow his campaign more closely in the coming weeks. I wish him a lot of luck and safe travels. Election day is still so far away.
Here is a link if you want to know more about Mr. Cain.