For the first time ever, overweight people outnumber average people in America. Doesn't that make overweight the average then? Last month you were fat, now you're average - hey, let's get a pizza!
~Jay Leno (You know what else? There is a quote for everything.)
Neil and I enjoyed our fabulous mushroom pizza at Gondola tonight. Neil did not always enjoy mushroom pizza. I think it was on our second date, waaay back in early 1972, we landed at Gondola, only it was in a different location then. They had, and still do have, some of the best pizza on the planet (and they still cut it into squares, not triangles, which I think makes it taste even better.) I guess he thought he’d be sweet and let me order the pizza. Much to his horror, I ordered a mushroom pizza. I didn’t learn, until years later, that he was horrified at the time, because he ate it and didn’t complain. Sweet, huh? He has since changed his tune about mushroom pizza and enjoys it as much as I do. I reminded him tonight about that second date and how we seem to have come full circle. Like a pizza.