Lunch in the gazebo at Dogwood Park with my honey/hubby Neil ~ those cool breezes felt like fall ~ noisy there today ~ they were cutting down a huge dead tree by the picnic tables near the stage
Down my street ~ the weather today was perfection
Seedless black grapes ~ yummy but kind of dry ~ thinking about using them in some chicken salad with some apples
My Geraniums have had a tough time blooming this summer ~ they like heat and sun ~ a rare commodity this July ~ very unusual
Creepy crawly on my backyard garden flag [garden?]
Sunset in the Kroger parking lot ~ Neil was pumping gas into my grannymobile [dirty windshield ~ must get car wash] Neil was aggravated at the guy in the car next to us because the guy’s wife/girlfriend/whatever was out there pumping the gas while he waited in the driver’s seat ~ I thanked him for pumping gas into the car I drive every day ~ and for still being so chivalrous [he still opens my car door for me almost all the time] Monday wasn’t so bad, was it?
There are no miracles on Mondays.
~Amy Neftzger
[I say it depends on your definition of miracle ~ just saying]