I'm always at least one step behind the times it seems. I just ran across this cool web site today. It's Pandora.com where you can create your own radio station. Type in the artists or songs you like. A random stream of those songs is created for your listening pleasure, plus it will seek out similar types of music and artists and add that to your station. I'm listening to it right now. A Journey tune. You can check out other people's stations, too. It's nice if you want some background music while you surf the net. Thing is, it's so random, you never know what tune is going to pop up next. If you like the tune, give it a thumbs up and they'll keep playing that tune plus others similar to it. Or if you can't stand the tune, give it a thumbs down and they promise never to play that song again. I've just begun adding to my list of artists. Thought you might like to check it out if you haven't already. http://www.pandora.com Have a great weekend, Everyone!