Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day One Hundred Seventy 2010


A pre-Father's Day portrait. Nobody wanted to get near Neil because he was so dirty and he smelled so bad from working so hard in the heat on our front yard path. Good times. Nice day.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty Nine 2010

Greetings From Planet...Earth

Praying Mantis looks like a visitor from another planet. He was on a rocking chair on the back porch today, and he looked like he was dancing. I'll bet he was celebrating T.G.I.F. I'll bet you did, too. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight 2010

Little Bit Of This, Little Bit Of That

Grand kids Shelby and Elijah were getting dressed just before lunch this morning. Elijah put his Scooby Doo underwear on his head and raced around the room. Kids in motion always make for blurry pictures, but it's hard to resist.

Elijah Man (and underwear) in motion. Makes me dizzy.

They made Father's Day cards for their dad this afternoon. I have lots of card stock (Shelby calls it "thick paper", which it is), and they like to use my stamps and stamp pads to create their art. Shelby's card is so sweet. Her daddy is going to love it.

Elijah stamped for a while, then realized it was much more fun making colorful fingerprints. His card is pretty cool.

Gala apple slices dipped in caramel make a yummy snack. For me.

Neil bought a sack of peaches from the Mennonite family's fruit and veggie stand on Willow Avenue at lunch. He and daughter Holly love peaches. Peaches smell like Summer to me. Holly sniffed one and said, "Smells like Grandpa. He always had peaches." I thought that was such a sweet remembrance.

The Dahlia takes a bow. Lots of them blooming in the backyard right now. Hope your Thursday was full of good stuff, too.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty Seven 2010

Blast From The Past

Here is grand daughter Shelby from this time three years ago in the pool in the back yard with brother Elijah and her lady bug friend. So sweet! They are growing up way too fast. (Wish we still had that pool....)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty Six 2010


I hear this little voice calling to me from the hallway this morning: "Granny, help me get down." So of course I take his picture while he hangs on to the banister. Grandson Elijah loves to climb. He also managed to get down all by himself.