Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day One Hundred Eighty Four 2010

Neil finished the pathway he's been working on for several weeks. It turned out really nice. He's decided to remove the rest of the stone this connects to and replace it with matching stones. It will look much better. As he says, it's a work in progress. Stay tuned.
My brother Robert was born on this day in 1963. He would have been 47. Miss you, little brother! RIP

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day One Hundred Eighty Two 2010

Cloud formations here in middle Tennessee have been pretty awesome this Spring and so far this Summer. Took this picture with my cell phone camera from the window of Ocha Deli next to TTU about three days ago. Almost looks good enough to eat--like mounds of whipped cream.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day One Hundred Eighty 2010

Dahlias Rock

Dahlias were cultivated by the Aztecs, taken to Europe by the Spaniards, and soon spread throughout the world in widely different climates. They are the national flower of Mexico. There are 18 species and thousands of hybrid varieties. Bet you did not know these things about Dahlias. Neither did I. Neil planted them a long time ago in the back yard, and they bloom each Summer. One more thing about Dahlias--they love posing for pictures.