Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Five 2010

Bed Bugs

Elijah and Shelby are spending the night at Granny and Grandpa's tonight. They wanted to sleep upstairs in their mom's old room. Little bed bugs, all tucked in. Goodnight!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Four 2010

Happy 15th Birthday, Sarah!

From 5 to 15 at the speed of light, it seems. How did this happen?! Wishing you a very happy (for real) birthday today. God bless you with everything you need and maybe even some of those things that you really really want. I love you, Sarah Catherine Foy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Three 2010

Cell Phone Camera Pix With Solaris Color Setting

The solaris color setting on my cell phone camera can give a photograph a painted or posterized look. These pictures are so small; it's hard to see the effect. Click on the pic to check out a larger size. Does your cell phone camera have a solaris color setting? Try it. It's neat.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Two 2010

Happy (almost) 15th Birthday, Sarah!

My niece, Sarah Catherine Foy, celebrated her 15th birthday today (a couple of days early). An ongoing love affair with the mustache inspired her birthday cake decorations. Wearing a mustache was, of course, a must.
So we all wore mustaches to help her celebrate.

Sarah got lots of goodies--some of them mustache related--but the shiny new bike from her mom and dad was probably the best gift of them all. Ride, Sarah, ride! The party was great fun. Happy Birthday, sweet niece! You know I love you to pieces. I wish you all the best of everything always. Hope you have as much fun on your real birthday!
(And thank you, Jane and Don, for these pictures. Yours turned out way better than mine.)