Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day One Hundred Thirty Four 2011

I guess my gardener hubby Neil didn't consider the color clash of orange day lilies and hot pink hydrangeas when he planted them side by side, but that's okay. I kind of like it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day One Hundred Thirty Three 2011

Grandson Elijah was a little freaked out when Buddy Cat decided to snuggle with him on the couch this afternoon. Elijah is a bit gun shy with this cat, because in times past, Buddy has scratched and bit him (and in defense of them both, it happened when Elijah was younger and yanked his tale or got in his face). Our Buddy Cat is in very poor health and seems to want to be around us more than usual these days. He always snuggles with daughter Kelly when she's here and jumps up in hubby Neil's lap when he's upstairs playing video games. So these two stayed this way for quite a while. At least until Elijah had to make a trip to the bathroom. Buddy Cat was waiting for him when he got back.

Day One Hundred Thirty Two 2011

On Mother's Day this past Sunday, my daughter Kelly and I received an unexpected treat from, of all places, our fave Mexican restaurant El Tapatio. They gave beautiful red roses to the ladies, assuming we were all mom's that day. Very sweet. It's been a while since anyone gave me roses. I'll take them any way I can get them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day One Hundred Thirty One 2011

I hardly ever (read never) bake anything. But I baked these chocolate chocolate chip mini muffins for a get together for the young folks at church tonight. They look pretty good. Hope whoever ate them enjoyed them!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day One Hundred Thirty 2011

This is only the second cicada shell I've seen so far since they emerged from underground after all these years. I hope it's a sign that their invasion will be mild in my neighborhood. I can live without these critters and their infernal screeching. I hear they're a tasty treat for some folks. No thanks. I hope I'm never that hungry.