Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day Fifty Two 2013

Popped into Hobby Lobby right after lunch today with the urge to browse, which I never seem to do there. Seems I’m usually in there on a quest for something specific like a picture frame or a piece for a project I’m working on. They offer such cool and interesting stuff~~like this bold eye candy sofa and stools which I’d probably never have the guts to buy. It caught my eye (whimsical things usually do)  so I took it home with me in a picture. I also appreciate Hobby Lobby’s strong Christian based ideals and the things they offer in their store that feed the soul as well as the mind. No, this is not a paid advertisement. I’m just sayin’.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day Fifty One 2013

Randomness. again.
out the front door
Afternoon out my front door
Two of my favorite things~stained glass and a book of quotes.
I tried a new slow cooker recipe for supper~sausage and black bean soup.  It was yummy.

Always do whatever’s next.
~George Carlin  

[random quote for the middle of the week]

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day Fifty 2013

Taking the back road home
I love a sunny blue sky day
Windy today, like March, only it’s not. Yet.
Grandson ‘Gangsta’ Elijah after school (he said he was wearing his hat like a gangsta, so he gave me a gangsta face and some gangsta moves)
Juicy navel orange slices ended up in a fruit salad for supper tonight. Good stuff.
Hope there was some good stuff in your Tuesday. Especially the random kind.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day Forty Nine 2013

On the road to Chattanooga
On the road 2
where we rarely travel
On the road
the East Tennessee landscape is undeniably beautiful
On the road 3
even in the dead of winter

At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint, or even remember it. It is enough.  
~Toni Morrison

I haven’t reached that point in life just yet.

Sunday, February 17, 2013