Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty Five 2013

Granddaughter Shelby was ready to celebrate the new year all decked out in her Happy New Year hat.
Daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry hosted our New Year’s Eve get together at their new/old house. Kelly made some awesome salsa. We pigged out on that and a lot of other delicious goodies.
Grandson Knox had a great time playing trains with his Aunt Holly.
We all enjoyed a great game night while we counted down the minutes to the new year. Uno was lots of fun. The Five Second Rule was a blast.
We counted down the seconds to midnight and raised our blue Solo cups of sparkling cider as the ball dropped in Times Square and we toasted in 2014.  Good time with my great family.
Project 365 was a challenge to me when I started this little blog. I wanted to see if I really could take a picture a day for a year and share it with family and friends and whoever might stumble across my tiny corner of the universe on the world wide web. I can’t believe five years have gone by [whoosh! just like that]. At the end of each year, when day three sixty five finally rolls around, I always ask myself if I want to continue the challenge. This year it has been a real struggle for me to keep up. It has become less fun and more of a chore. I’ve been very torn about letting it go, and I didn’t decide until today that letting it go is what I need to do.

What I want to do is continue snapping those pictures and sharing them with you, just not every day. I enjoy combining photography with blogging, so if you’re interested in following me to a new blog, I’ve created one that is very much a work in progress [just decided this today!]. Other than the way it looks, it won’t be any different than this blog, except that I won’t post every single day of the year. I know I have some faithful followers here, and I appreciate all of you who have stuck with me the past five years, checking in each day or week or whenever you can. Thank you so much for letting me share a piece of my every day life with you ~ 1,826 days!

My new blog  [for the time being and maybe forever] is called Hunky-Dory, which is a slang word meaning perfectly satisfactory or fine. You can find it here:                                                             
The new place will probably go through lots of changes as time goes by.  I hope you’ll follow me over and hang out with me there.
Three Sixty Five signing off

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day Three Hundred Sixty Four 2013

“Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Elijah Shelby at the Hobbitt Movie 12 30 13
Neil and I took grandpeeps Shelby and Elijah to the movies this afternoon and immersed ourselves in the lives and times of Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, and the occasional human or two.
Popcorn at Hobbit movie 12 30 13
A bucket of popcorn is a must for a movie like The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, which runs for nearly three hours [not counting commercials and previews of coming attractions].
Mickey Mouse Popcorn at Hobbit Movie 12 30 13
Shelby found this piece of popcorn shaped like Mickey Mouse, so I had to take its picture. She said she couldn’t eat it because it was too cute. And then she accidentally dropped it between our seats. I attempted to retrieve it for her, but there was too much ickiness under there. We all enjoyed the movie. All the “ring” movies are fun, especially if you like Hobbits. Looking forward to part three.
“May the hair on your toes never fall out!”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day Three Hundred Sixty Three 2013

We forget just how painfully dim the world was before electricity. A candle, a good candle, provides barely a hundredth of the illumination of a single 100 watt light bulb.
~Bill Bryson

This may be true, but a light bulb can’t hold a candle to the delicious vanilla scent in my house right now. Smells good enough to eat, but I’d burn my tongue.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day Three Hundred Sixty Two 2013

Neil and blocks 12 28 13
Some people never grow up. Grandpa was having fun building towers with grandson Knox’s blocks this afternoon. An episode of Thomas The Train was on in the background. And notice that grandson Knox wasn’t  paying attention to either of these things. He was having his own fun [playing with his trains, most likely]. Good times on a lazy Saturday. [thanks for the pic, daughter Kelly]

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day Three Hundred Sixty One 2013

It’s easy when your cup is full of boiled custard and whipped cream.
Grandkids Shelby, Elijah and Knox hanging out at my house today ~ finally went outside this afternoon ~ I told Shelby to jump into the picture, so she did
Beautiful day for a stroll in the neighborhood ~ Knox is loving his new car that his Aunt Holly and Uncle Jerry and cousins Shelby and Elijah gave him for Christmas ~ it’s fun to ride when somebody is willing to push.  Happy TGIF, everyone!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day Three Hundred Sixty 2013

Grandson Knox [a.k.a. The Bachelor] hitched a ride on Thomas The Train this afternoon. He has a fierce passion for all things trains right now. And since 90% of his birthday and Christmas gifts were train-related this year, his mom and dad are hoping this passion lasts for another year or two or maybe ten. Chugga Chugga! Keep on chugging, Knox!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Nine 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS                    
from The Mabry Clan!
Mabry Christmas 2013
Sister Ann and brother in law Terry hosted our annual Mabry Family get together tonight. We enjoyed yummy food and had a great time playing Dirty Santa [although settling on the rules of the game maybe took longer than playing the game itself]. Those who could attend this year from left: brother in law Don, sister Jane, brother in law Terry, nephew Ian, nephew Chris, niece Evan, nephew in law Shaun, niece Sarah, son in law Kerry, grandson Knox, niece Julia, daughter Kelly, sister Ann and front row brother Ken, moi, and hubby Neil and streaming live on Face Time on the iPad granddaughter Shelby, grandson Elijah and daughter Holly. Thanks, Ann and Terry, for hosting our good time. Love my awesome family. So blessed to be able to be together again on Christmas day.  Merry Christmas!

Day Three Hundred Fifty Eight 2013

from the Ranft, Myers, Kimbrough Families
My greatest blessing on this earth is my family. We had such a great time together tonight, celebrating Christmas. It came and went in the blink of an eye, same as all good times do. Merry Christmas!
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree:  the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.                                    
~Burton Hillis

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven 2013

Grandpa and grandson Knox having fun with Knox’s Thomas Trains on the train table we got him for Christmas. Neil put the table together this evening, and we decided there was no reason not to go ahead and let him enjoy it now. We loaded it in the truck and took it over to his house. When we left, he was playing with his trains on his train table, having more fun than pint sized human beings should be allowed to have two days before Christmas.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Six 2013

Christmas - that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance.  It may weave a spell of nostalgia.  Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance - a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.                                      ~Augusta E. Rundel
Hope you don’t mind seeing more pictures of Christmas tree ornaments. Our tree is just about the only decoration we have in the house this year. I never get tired of looking at it [well, until December 26, maybe] because I love the way the lights reflect on the ornaments. [That’s my gratuitous Christmas selfie wishing you a Merry Christmas.]

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Five 2013

Yes, Christmas is almost here, and yes, it would be nice to have one of everything [and we all know that ain’t gonna happen, right?]. That’s not why I took a snapshot of my computer desktop screen. See that? 66 degrees? First day of winter? Maybe it’s just me, but this time of year, I’d rather it be cold and sunny than hot and rainy. It’s also the  shortest day of the year, for all you daylight savings time people out there. We’ll be inching toward longer daylight each day, one minute at a time.
Wishing my bro-in-law, Terry, a big Happy Birthday today!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Four 2013

Christmas gift suggestions:  To your enemy, forgiveness.  To an opponent, tolerance.  To a friend, your heart.  To a customer, service.  To all, charity.  To every child, a good example.  To yourself, respect.                                                                                      
~Oren Arnold
Happy TGIF!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Three 2013

Every day after school, grandson Elijah looks for the elf on the shelf at my house. I told him the elf was hiding today. Elijah looked in all the nooks and crannies and cabinets.
He finally found the elf sitting under the Christmas tree. You have to look closely to find him.
He was holding one of the icicles from the tree [probably the closest thing to a weapon this thing will ever be allowed to have].
Elijah was dressed like an elf, too. His class Christmas party was today [that’s what I call it; I’m not sure what the school calls it these days]. They got to wear their comfy jammies, eat treats, play games, watch a movie [Polar Express] and decorate these neat elf hats. And they also got bells to wear around their necks [after school, I’m sure]. Tomorrow is a two hour day, then the kiddos and teachers are free until next year. Good times as the big day draws nearer. Six days!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Two 2013

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.                          
~Laura Ingalls Wilder