Elijah really wanted to climb the
Tulip Poplar tree and got a bit
frustrated when he realized it just
wasn't going to happen.

He gets so tired of me taking his picture!

Shelby amused herself by making a Fruit Rollup bracelet.

And then she ate it.
Good times with the grand kids after school today. Love
you guys!
Cute stuff!!! That poplar tree looks like it has an eye...creep! Elijah looks so mad, whatta gooba... Shelby is so creative :-D
The tulip poplar has an eye! Weird wild stuff that is! We have two tulip poplars in our backyard and they both bloomed this year. Lijah man doesn't like having his pic made, does he? Only Shelby could come up with a Fruit Rollup bracelet :-) Too cute!!
Terry sez the dang tree has a mouth like Poltergeist - DON'T LET THE KID CLIMB THE TREE!!! It will eat him smooth up - I ain't kidding!!! Don't even let him stand by it again EVER!!! It's freaking me out... T
It does have an eye AND a mouth!! T is correct. I promise I won't let anybody go near it ever again! The tree bloomed last year and again this year. The blooms are pretty but they drop all over the place and dry up and make a mess. It's always something.
That tree is pretty freaky looking! Very cool! I have a tree with a face, but you have to be sitting on the toilet looking out the window to see it!
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