I noticed these cute little mushrooms growing outside my back door this afternoon. Had to get down real low to capture a shot of these. I looked them up on the 'net, and I'm not real positive, but they may be known as Copelandia cyanescens (a.k.a. "blue meanies" in Australia and New Zealand or "magic mushrooms"). I thought the "blue meanies" reference was interesting. Now, after all these decades, I'm making a connection between "magic mushrooms" and those crazed characters The Blue Meanies in The Beatles' animated movie 'Yellow Submarine'. A light bulb moment, folks. I'm not sure if it's life imitating art or the other way around. At any rate, and either way, they're cute as all get out.
WOW!!! I love this! Very nice shot! And I love the "blue meanies" connection... very interesting!!!! :o) (I also like your watermark! or whatever you call it!... you'll have to show me how to do that.)
Blue meanies, huh? Very interesting! Aren't you glad you looked that up? :-)
Thanks, Kelly! This was a fun pic to take. I opened this picture in my Photoshop Elements 5 and clicked on Text then typed my name directly on the picture. I was just playing around and found the little key dingbat (or whatever they call those symbols) and just typed that on there too. I thought it was kinda neat and may use it again sometime. If you've got any kind of photo editing program on your computer, you could add your name to any picture, too.
Yeah, I thought that "blue meanie" ref was pretty cool! I couldn't believe it when I saw that. All sorts of bells went off :D Fun stuff.
I love nature shots and this one is very cool :-) The "blue meanie" connection was very interesting. Lovin' your blog as always. Keep up the good work, sis!
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