The view through my upstairs 1927 windows. You can't see the wavy glass, which I always thought was pretty cool. We're finally replacing these old drafty windows (they have the weights and pulleys inside the frame!). Tomorrow the installers start bright and early with the new vinyl insulated tilt-in windows. Makes me want to cry. I know, the convenience of the new ones will be wonderful, but let's face it. Who likes to wash windows?! Now I'll have no excuse. These old windows are part of what give our old house its character and I'll miss looking through the distorted glass. But it's time--out with the old and.....you know the rest. Goodbye, wavy glass!
I'll miss those old windows too. I didn't say goodbye to them when I left Monday. Oh well. The new ones will be loved as much as the old.
You'll love the tilt in windows. Have those in the kitchen. Wish I had them all over the house!
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