Eddie kitty (that's what I'm calling him) was so laid back asleep on this cushion in this seen-better-days wicker rocker that, honestly, I thought he was dead. Then I saw his little fat belly pumping, so I didn't have to do kitty cat CPR. I had to take this picture through a window of the patio door (or porch door--we have no patio) because I knew if I went out there, he'd wake up and lose this cute pose. I tried sneaking out the front door, but by the time I got around to the back, he was already alerted by the snapping of twigs and branches (I'm not very stealthy). Oh well. That's why I photograph mushrooms.
Awwwwwww, that is one precious little kitty cat! I can't wait to meet him in person! Thanks for all the compliments on my blog, sis. I really appreciate it!
Our patio looks like a cat battlefield when they are all lounged out napping! :-) Cute pic!
That is THE custest picture!!!!! I'm glad "Eddie" found a compfy place to park. :o)
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