Eddie returned to the vet this afternoon for his temporary shots, including the Feline Leukemia vaccine. Poor kitty. He was not a happy camper. I had to keep a firm hand on him or he would have high tailed it out of there. Eddie weighed in at a whopping 2.14 pounds at about ten weeks old. His age is mostly an educated guess. He was pretty scrawny when he showed up at my house just after the fourth of July. He eats like a pig these days. I can only imagine he must have weighed less than a pound a month ago.

Grand daughter Shelby was my helper for Eddie's trip to the vet just after school. She loves animals. I can picture her becoming a veterinarian some day. After two shots in his skinny bottom and some worm meds and ear cleaning, Eddie was good to go. Little does he know I've scheduled another appointment for him in four weeks when his manhood will be stripped away (Ouch!) without his permission. I hate that for him, but it must be done. He'll also get another round of shots--most likely a rabies vaccine. Poor thing. He cried all the way to the vet but was strangely silent on the way home. Maybe he overheard me making that appointment....
Awwww, poor little Eddie! It's for his own good. Getting him stripped of his manhood will keep him from spraying stuff to mark his territory and getting into it with other male kitties. Shelby is such a good little helper! She would make a great veterinarian!
Yep, this would have been the last time you ever saw little Eddie if you hadn't held on to him! He looks a bit freaked! Glad Shelby was there to help! :o)
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