This is the face of a snake killer.

This is the killed snake, left belly up on the deck this afternoon. I don't know what kind of snake it was. I'm just glad it wasn't anything poisonous, or else the snake killer would have been dead meat. Ah, the joys of living with a cat.
The little striped kitten is turning into quite the hunter! You just never know what they'll bring up onto the deck. Cats rock!
Ugh!!!!! They grow up so fast. Snake didn't have a chance. Eddie looks like he's thinking, "Yeah, I did it...what's it to ya."
Ugh, did I say ugh already. Ugh. :o/
Don't know how I missed this post! Good job, Eddie! Our cat Lily (who should probably be called "Lyle") has killed a bird and a shrew in the last couple of days. I love how cats entertain themselves with the kill!
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