My Big Back Yard (And Front Yard) Meanderings

Where have all the flowers gone? Dead Dahlias tell no lies.

I was surprised to find this one tiny little yellow rosebud blooming among the shriveled up brown things.

Eddy usually accompanies me along my meanderings around the yard. He was in attack mode today.

I think this is called Pampas grass. It's really pretty in the Fall when it starts to bend toward the ground and get all curly. The white fluffy curly stuff gets all over your clothes when you rub up against it. Ask me how I know.

Buried treasure. Not really. I saw a piece of glass sticking out of the dirt where one of the boxwood bushes used to be next to the porch. It's a piece of a forgotten wind chime that fell apart a very long time ago.

View from the front porch swing this afternoon.

The gnarly orange pumpkin, along with my Cinderella pumpkins, are still hanging in there on the front porch. They usually give up by March.

Parting shot. Eddie Kitty is but an orange blur as he streaks past me, heading toward the kitchen and the food bowl. Eddie says goodbye. For now.
Lovely photos, as always! Love the rose! Gena has one in bloom, too. We used to have pampas grass. Don't know what happened to it.
Nice pix! Love the bumpy pumpkin one and yellow rose is pretty... you should pick it!
You're like me...I love the closeup setting on my camera :)Great shots, sis. I love the yellow rose and the one of Eddie cat all blurred are my favs. The dried up dahlia rocks too!
Thanks, one and all, for all the sweet comments :D
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