Ian Mabry's BFA Senior Exhibition in Clay
Appalachian Center for Craft
Smithville, Tennessee

My nephew Ian Mabry with one of his amazing clay sculptures. I've always known he is a talented artist from the time he was a little boy. He is an art major at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee, and will graduate December 19. He created these clay sculptures for his thesis. I can't begin to express how impressed I am by his talent and how proud I am of him and his accomplishments. I know he sold at least two of his pieces this evening at his exhibition. His work is on display until December 14 in Gallery One at the craft center. Congratulations, Ian!
WOW!!! Looks like an amazing show! Kerry and I planned to go this past week but he's been sick. Hopefully we'll get to go before it ends. I remember the days when me, Holly, Evan, Ian, and Kendra were little kids pretending to track down monsters (I can't remember what we called ourselves, ugh)... Ian would draw the monsters so that we'd know what we were looking for of course...awesome drawings, wish I'd kept them... he's got talent! Born with it!
I really enjoyed this! I hope Kelly gets a chance to go. Don is considering buying one of the sculptures. These pics are great, sis!
Great pictures and a great art show! We're so proud of Ian :) He is a true talent and has a definite style!
I received one of his pieces as a Christmas gift from my brother and his wife (who was Ian's studio partner). Absolutely amazing. Some pix I shot last summer of some of the pieces in process can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/webslog/sets/72157616409338936/
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