Our daughter, Holly Elizabeth Ranft (Myers), was born December 16, 1978, a mild and rainy Saturday night around 10:00 P.M. She was two weeks early, which was okay with me. Here she is being held by her dad during that four day hospital stay. (Unheard of these days.) Born just nine days before Christmas, the nurses sent her home tucked inside a bright red Christmas stocking.

Here she is today on her 31st birthday. I've always thought of her as our Christmas baby, so through the years, she usually ends up with red and green on her birthday cake. And she can always count on a Christmas tree shining in the background of her birthday pictures. Happy birthday, dear daughter. We love you very much. You are a blessing to us and to everyone who knows you. Wishing you all the best of everything today and always.
Happy Birthday sweet Holly squab!
Sweet picture! Little Holly-squab! Glad we got to celebrate with her. Sorry Neil wasn't able to! :-(
Cute pics!!! It was a fun party! Wish Pa could have joined us. Happy Birthday, Sis! Love you!
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