What do you get when you put together a fun family, a fire built inside an old oil drum cut in half, a bunch of long sticks whittled to a point and three bags of Jet Puffed Marshmallows? You get the Ranft/Kimbrough/Myers/Foy/Sissom Annual Marshmallow Roast (although we've come to call it many different things over the years, some of which no one else on the planet would understand besides said family members). This is the first roast we've had in about the last four years due to circumstances beyond our control--usually foul weather or family members unable to attend. When that happens, we just don't have it. We've also come to add hot dogs and S'mores to our menu. It's all good and it's great fun and once again the neighbors didn't call the police. Let's do it all over again next year, guys!
I had a great time at the Koreshmellow roast and I love it that no one else gets it except for us ;) Thanks Kay and Neil for hosting and to Neil for the awesome fire!
Enjoyed the roast (the kids used to call it a "roast out") Fun stuff!! Hope it continues for years to come! :-)
Twas a grand night!!!! :o)
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