Local politics. Today is Election Day in a lot of places. Our neighbor across the street is running for re election to Register Of Deeds and apparently believes he has this one sewn up. At noon today, they were setting up tables and chairs on the side lawn and unfurling the red, white, and blue banners for a victory soiree. Maybe if Neil and I had gone over there and told him we voted for him, we might have been invited to the party.
I really enjoy your flower pictures, sis! Gorgeous. My favorite picture today is Joe Cool :) He is too cool for words!
Beautiful flower pix!!! Love em! Also love Elijah and his cool glasses!!! Looks like you have neighbors now...that was fast! I suggest you roll there yard and egg their windows! They shoulda invited ya'll! How RUDE!
Nice election day pics. I don't even know who our Register of Deeds is! :-) Elijah - cute as always!
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