Granddaughter Shelby carved this pumpkin. It was part of her family's trunk decorations.

Grandson Elijah, granddaughter Shelby, niece Julia and niece Sarah in their costumes and ready to have some fun.

Sarah and friends dressed as characters from the TV show 'Glee'.

More glee! My sis Jane is ready to feed the spooks.

I'm Batman. Grandson Elijah decided to be Batman for trunk or treat. He says for "real Halloween" he'll be Scooby Doo.

Daughter Holly carved this pumpkin. It was part of her trunk decorations.

The Witch and the Wolf.

Granddaughter Shelby was a candy corn witch.

Rawr! That's son in law Jerry under all that fierce-ness.

Feeding the spooks. The little girl in the yellow looks like she's screaming. The Wolf was pretty scary.

Julia was a bag of jelly beans, Sarah was Rachel from 'Glee' and daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry came as their bad selves. I know I was scared.

Counting candy contest. Make a guess, win a jar of candy.

Guess who won the jar of Reese's Pieces. Holly guessed the amount and put down Elijah's name. Her guess was 2500 pieces. The actual amount was somewhere around 2350. Trunk or Treat is always a blast. The costumes and trunks are always fabulous and creative. The goodies are always delicious. And the fellowship is always uplifting. Not to mention it's a great dress rehearsal for Halloween this Sunday.
P.S. It was son in law Kerry who guessed the number of Reese's Pieces in the jar. Elijah may have to share his prize :)
Great pics, sis! I'm glad you had your camera - I didn't! :-( It was lots of fun, as always. Loved it when Elijah's name was called for winning the candy! So funny!
I'm glad I could be there through your pictures, sis! Looks like a lot of fun and I'm glad Elijah won that big honkin' jar of Reeses Pieces :)
Fun times!!! Great pix!!! Most definitely happy Kerry and I came down!!!
PS... I believe it was Kerry who guessed the number of Reeses, not Holly. So half that jar is ours!!! Tee hee!
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