Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Sixteen 2011

The ceiling in our living room is finally undergoing a long overdue renovation. Hubby Neil spent several hours this afternoon pulling down ceiling tiles from the 1970s and exposing bead board (or tongue in groove) from the 1920s. It's not a pretty sight to say the least. We've considered several options such as sanding and painting, Sheetrock and re-tiling. We're tilting toward installing ceiling tiles which will be the easiest and least messy. Stay tuned.


Jane said...

Looks like the ceiling of a house from the 1920s. I'm sure Neil has had a blast! :)

Ann S. said...

That's wild! Good luck with your ceiling renovation. Can't wait to see it when it's all finished :0)

Kelly said...

WHOA!!!!! I'm impressed!!! I think I stay away until the asbestos settles. Going to look so nice when it's finished :o)