You know for sure that a child is sick when he/she eats only two bites from a bowl of vanilla ice cream drizzled with Hershey's chocolate syrup and then says, "I'm done." Grandpeeps Shelby and Elijah have been running fevers and suffering with headaches and just plain feeling puny the last couple of days. They didn't go to school today or yesterday and stopped by my house today so their mom could pick up Shelby's homework from school. They asked for ice cream but couldn't eat it. Talk about a major bummer. But the biggest bummer was that as much as I wanted to finish off that bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup, I had to resist because all those little sick germs were floating around in that bowl, just waiting to infect me with whatever illness the grandpeeps have. So their mom ate it. Honestly, some people's children.
I hope the grandpeeps get over their crud soon! That ice cream sure looks good, but I don't blame you for not eating it :0)
Sounds like they have what Julia has. I think it's the flu, but I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv. I'm sorry they are sick. Hope they all get well soon!
Being sick isn't fun. Hope they get better asap. At least it's a snow day, they can veg freely in front of the tv and catnap. Holly must have a death wish, ICK! I can't believe she ate that ice cream! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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