Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day Two Hundred Eighty Nine 2011

Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods. And day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.
William Allingham


Jane said...

Haven't we had the most beautiful weather this weekend! I always hate when the leaves are gone - just bare blah until winter is over.

Ann S. said...

Gorgeous photo and the quote is perfect! I wish the leaves here were as pretty as they are in Cookeville. Wish we could skip winter and go directly to spring!

Kay R. said...

I sat outside on my back porch in a rocking chair and read a book most of this afternoon. The weather was awesome! It was glorious :)

Kelly said...

Poem and photo both beautiful!!!!
I sat on my screened porch again today :o) Gorgeous day it was. Except when my neighbor's kid decided that the leaf blower was a toy. Lovely sounds of fall :o/