Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day Thirteen 2013

Fresh out of the Pizza Hut oven, a hot gooey personal pan supreme hit the spot for supper—comfort food on a rain-drenched evening. A huge storm blew through our town, lots of rain and wind and lightning and thunder and flooding and tree limbs everywhere. When Neil and I got to Pizza Hut, the outside temperature was 64 degrees. When we left, it was 60, and on our way home, less than two miles away, we watched the temperature drop to 46 degrees on the truck thermometer. So the forecasted cold front blew into town after the storm. Monday is going to feel like winter again.


Ann S. said...

That looks soooooooooo good! I love Pizza Hut pizza. This weather is pretty whacky for January. We had lots of rain here.

Kelly said...

I'm starving for pizza now!!
Knox and I got out for a walk and enjoyed the warm wind this afternoon. By evening I had to close the winders and flip on the heat. Boooo, cold weather, boooo!!!

Jane said...

Yummy pizza! I noticed the temp drop, too, from 64 to 46 from the time we got to church to when we left. Missed you guys last night.