Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Eight 2013

The Graduate ~ Class of 2013
My niece Sarah graduated from high school this morning. She was in the top 10% of a 500+ senior class.
Turn your tassels, class!
The Graduate ~ Congratulations, Sarah!
Proud parents Don and Jane and sister Julia
Had a great time at the graduation party. And so did Harry.
'I'm free!' Sarah’s jumpin for joy with cousin Shelby and sister Julia. I’m proud of you, Sarah! Keep on shining. Love you always.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Jane said...

It was a good day! You got some great pics! (that I may borrow!) It's amazing how smooth things can go when you don't stress over them! :) So glad the Ranfts could be there!

Kelly said...

Still can't believe she's a high school grad!!!

Ann S. said...

What Kelly said! Awesome day and so blessed that we could be a part of it! Love that last shot. Too cute!