All we know is that the time went by fast, one day at a time, and here we are, 40 years! later, grayer, fatter, with lots of wrinkles, two awesome daughters and sons in law and three lovable grandkids, but still basically the same people we were on that rainy day when we said “I do.” And we did. And we still do. If I had to do it all over again, I would. Happy 40th anniversary to my better half, who wore to church this morning the same bow tie he wore to our wedding all those days ago. He said it was the only part of his suit that still fit him. God has blessed us richly, and I’m certain will continue to do so in the days to come.
To keep the fire burning brightly there's one easy rule: Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart - about a finger's breadth - for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule.
~Marnie Reed Crowell
Awwww, I love these photos! You two still got it going on after all these years :0) I thought that was so cool that Neil wore the bow tie to church this morning. Awesome quote too! Here's wishing you two much love and happiness and many, many more anniversaries! Love ya!
Thanks, Ann! Love you, too, and thanks again to the Sissoms and Foys for the Outback gift card. We ate there for supper tonight and enjoyed every bite :) Thanks for helping us celebrate and thanks for all the good wishes. It made us feel special on our special day.
Sweet!!! Happy anniversary to 2 of my favorite people in the whole world. You are a blessing to me! Love you both.
Thanks, Jane! Love you, too!!
Ahhhh!!! Love the bow tie!!! How cool :). Hope you had a great day!!! Here's to 40 more!!!!
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