Grandson Elijah turned 7 years old today. He and his dad went to a special event for children that just happened to fall on his birthday this year, so he will celebrate his birthday with a party Sunday afternoon. His grandpa and I gave him his gift yesterday~an iPad mini. As you can probably tell from this picture, he was surprised and totally thrilled with his present. He’s been wanting one for a long time. He says now he won’t have to ask to borrow his sister’s [or mine~all the games on mine are for him to play which is OK with me], and now he can Face Time his good buddy Anthony who moved to Boston several weeks ago. Happy Birthday, Elijah Man!! You are so special to me and your grandpa. You’re a blessing to us, and we are very proud that you are our grandson. We love you very much!!
August 17, 2007~first birthday~you’re growing up way too fast, Little Man.
Awesome! Happy Birthday Elijah man! Looking forward to helping you celebrate tomorrow.
Happy birthday to Elijah! Sweet kid! No gift can top that iPad mini! Best grandparents ever! :)
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